Reiki invites Happiness into your life.
Jikiden Reiki
During the late 90s, German-born Frank Arjava Petter was reintroducing Reiki in Japan and stumbled upon the late Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son Tadao Yamaguchi giving Reiki to their local village.
Arjava learned that Chiyoko was the last living student of Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and some of the ways Arjava learned Reiki (Takata based teachings) were different than the original teachings.
Eventually, Tado and Arjava convinced Chiyoko to found The Jikiden Reiki Institute in 1999.
Jikiden means “directly taught” or exactly as my teacher taught me”.
Jikiden Reiki dropped into my lap when my life became unbearably tough.
During the first couple of years, I learned it I re-sat class after class to help move the junk that I no longer needed.
I made a commitment to my family, but most importantly myself that I was going to find something to help me become a better person.
Jikiden Reiki gave me the discipline to stick with a routine that catapulted me into new healing modalities and practices given to me by my Spirit helpers. I knew I had to teach this one day and that day came in November 2023. I spent 12 days in Quebec to learn directly from Arjava.
Here I am receiving my Level 1 Teaching certification from Arjava.